Tue. Feb 18th, 2025

Almost 30 people attended the 2021 EORU AGM virtual meeting on Sunday, February 27, 2022. It was productive and most of the vacant board positions were filled. The work being done on the high performance side and the EORU academy was highlighted numerous times as a resounding positive from the rugby community. Congratulations and thank you to everyone involved!

The board reports were accepted and the meeting energized the rugby community as there are a lot of exciting rugby opportunities coming down the pipe! If anyone has the capacity and would like to volunteer, there is an opportunity to join the website task force. This group will meet three times to help rebuild the EORU website. If anyone is interested, you can send an email to communications@eorugby.com. Bingham Cup is also coming to Ottawa at the end of August and some community support will be essential. More to come at a later date.

Below are the results of the election.

PresidentDave Beyer
Vice Predient, SecretaryMary-Beth McGinn
Vice President, Finance & AdministrationWanda Malone
Vice President, Competitions & RegistrationScott Mills
Vice President, TechnicalGeoff Tomlinson
Director of CommunicationsMichaela Haley
Director of DisciplineScott Best
Director of Women’s RugbyNaela Emerson
Director of Men’s RugbyNeil Quinn
Director of Junior RugbyDani Smith
Director of Mixed AbilitiesLeeAnn Napiorkowski
Director of EORU AcademyMarius Felix

A big thank you to Sean Liebech and Cassandra Smith who have moved away from their roles to puruse other things. Your time, effor and service is greatly appreciated. All the best moving forward!

If you are looking for more information on the governance, you can find it here.

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