Tue. Feb 18th, 2025

Registration remains open for all club-registered athletes (b 2005-2008) to participate in our fall training program. We resume weekly training this weekend and run until our U18 girls and boys squads depart for the New York 7s. (We are not running training in December but will open winter registration for the indoor program which starts in early January.)

We understand some athletes are away this weekend at the Provincial 7s Championships in Barrie – best of luck to all athletes, coaches, managers and ATs!

To register for the Jr Rep Academy Fall 2022 Training Program, please complete this form. If you have already registered as of Wednesday/19, you do not need to fill this out again.

Please note the NEW email address for payments. Fall training fees include the COMBINE.

Fees are to be sent to:
In the notes section please state the athlete’s name + fall fees.

After a successful two-year run, the RCDA/Jr Arrows Academy is being revamped. Rugby Ontario has received funding from the government of Ontario and we will be selecting players in Eastern Ontario to participate in this invitation-only program.

We will be training on turf starting in early November and going until the end of March 2023. Turf time is Sundays 4:30 pm – 6 pm. The gym session time is TBA.

All club-registered athletes are welcome to have their baseline testing measured in our COMBINE on Sunday, October 30th.
The COMBINE fees are included in your EORU Jr Rep Academy Fall Training fees.

If you JUST want to try the COMBINE, the fees are $30. You must register for the combine only here. (Do not sign up if you have registered for the Jr Rep Fall Training – the combine is included).

All participants in the combine MUST be registered rugby players. If you are not registered with a club, you can get a temporary two-week membership through Rugby Ontario (link to come). Please note that if you decide to continue to participate with Jr Rep or club, you will need to upgrade to a club membership (valid until April 3-, 2023).

Combine only registrants: please send $30 to:
In the notes section please state the athlete’s name + combine only.

If you are registered for Fall training (which includes the COMBINE), your fees are $60. Please send your fees to the same temp.eoru.vpfin@gmail.com address.

Female and male athletes selected to the Ontario Blues Academy/Jr Arrows Academy will be notified after the combine date (which includes evaluation during small-sided games). These athletes will also train with the west and central academy in the GTA a handful of times over the winter.

Register for Rep Academy Fall Training Here:

EORJ Jr Rep Academy FALL Training Registration

Combine ONLY Registration:

EORU Jr Rep Academy COMBINE only Registration

By admin

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