Our winter training 2023 program runs Saturdays, 12 noon to 2 pm, at the Sooners Megadome in Stittsville. Registration is open until December 15, 2022.
Fast Facts:
- Starts January 07 and runs until April 01 (with the exception of the Family Day weekend and the start of March Break
- Winter training is open to all club-registered players born from 2005-2008
- In January, we will be selecting players for our U18 and u16 squads heading to the Tropical 7s in Tampa (April 4/5 to April 9, 2023 – including travel days)
- Everyone is welcome to train, whether or not they are interested in being selected for the Tropical 7s. (Rugby Ontario is not sending teams to the Tropical 7s in 2023)
- For those interested in being selected to EORU Jr Rep/Tropical 7s, you must participate in at least one January session. The fee structure is as follows:
January – April (all sessions) $375
January – February $275
March – April $150
One session in January is $60 (for Tropical 7s selection) *
*Once selected to the Tropical 7s squads, you must also sign up for OPTION THREE (at a minimum) or join OPTION ONE in progress.
Registration is open until December 15, 2022.
As always, please eTransfer fees to the EORU Treasurer at:
In the notes section please be sure to include the athlete’s name, winter training 2023 and the option #.
U18: for those born Sept 01, 2004 to August 31, 2006
U16: for those born Sept 01, 2006 to August 31, 2008
Based on past years, projected costs for the Tropical 7s range between $700-$850 (all in) plus flight. Before expressing interest in being selected to the Tropical 7s squads, please ensure you have the support of your parent/guardian.
EORU JR REP ACADEMY remains committed to reducing perceived financial barriers. If you are interested in discussing options, kindly contact eorumichelle@gmail.com or leeellenrugby@gmail.com
Registration is open until December 15, 2022.
2023 Winter EORU Jr Rep Training Registration/Interest in Tropical 7s