Tue. Feb 18th, 2025


Ontario Blues Junior Arrows Academy (OBJAA)

2021 was a busy year for EORU as they hosted a combine for athletes and selected players were asked with the Arrows Academy. Congratulations to all athletes, coaches and support staff involved with this fantastic program!

2022-2023 Squad

East Boys

DeclanCrew-GeeBarrhaven Scottish
OliverDavisBytown Blues
NathanDrummondLanark Highlanders
NicholasGarcía GutierrezBarrhaven Scottish
BenjaminHolahanBytown Blues
SamuelLafranceBytown Blues
FinlayMacCorquodaleBarrhaven Scottish
VincentMartinBarrhaven Scottish
MichaelMcGuinnessBytown Blues
LukasOrangeBytown Blues
LuukOrdemanBarrhaven Scottish
KyleShibataBarrhaven Scottish
EvanShibataBarrhaven Scottish
AndrewStevensonBarrhaven Scottish
JayYetmanBytown Blues

East Boys Coaches

Ryan Surgenor

Stephen Rowlands

About the Toronto Arrows

Established in 2018, the Toronto Arrows Rugby Football Club is Canada’s first and only professional rugby union team.

Competing in Major League Rugby, the team is equipped to compete against top-tier North American professional club teams, providing emerging Canadian talent with enhanced and more frequent opportunities to hone their skills at an elite level (taken from the Toronto Arrows website: https://torontoarrows.com/about/).

Learn more.


2021-2022 Squad

AthleteAffiliated Club
Eden BertoiaBarrhaven Scottish
Declan Crew-GeeOttawa Irish
Olivier DavisBytown Blues
Hunter DoucetteBarrhaven Scottish
Nico Garcia GuttierezOttawa Irish
Russell GreenwoodKingston Panthers
Justin LeeBarrhaven Scottish
Vincent MartinBarrhaven Scottish
Owen McDonellBarrhaven Scottish
Michael McGuinessBytown Blues
Lucas OrangeBytown Blues
Luuk OrdemannBarrhaven Scottish
Evan ShiabataBarrhaven Scottish
Kyle ShiabataBarrhaven Scottish
Liam WalshKingston Panthers
Jay YetmanBytown Blues

Coaches: Ryan Surgenor, Myles Donaghue, and TK Rewi